Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Bible Fun Facts

The bible is universal and known around the world but what makes it so important? Well the fact is there has never been a book written like it ever before. The bible is in fact written from actual human history.It claims to be the word of god and his interactions with people and nations. The bible is in reality a collection of books. Some short and some longer. The authors were touched by the Holy Spirit to write the words.Here are some points to consider.

-The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the world. That should tell you something!

-about 50 bibles are sold every minute

-the bible was written by over 40 authors

-written from three continents-Asia, Africa, Europe

-written in different places like prison, islands, traveling

-at different times covering 1,500 yrs by shepherds, fishermen, kings and more

Here are some more fun facts:

- Did you know that the word bible comes from a greek word Biblia which means, “books”.Of course that would make sense since the bible is made up of books.

- The bible is actually made up of 773,692 words and would take someone 70 hours to read!

- The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek but now the bible is written in 6,000 different languages around the world!

- The Star of Bethlehem was reported by Matthew but at the same time the Chinese were discovering it and thought it was just an unknown star.

-Abraham was the first person in the Bible to be called a Hebrew.

-Pharoahs ruled Egypt for 3,000 years.

-The oldest person in the bible was actually Methuselah. He died at the age of 969 years old. Imagine living that long!

-There were two men in the bible who never died! There names were Enoch and Elijah and God brought took them to heaven.

-The strongest man in the Bible was Samson.

-The wisest man in the Bible was Solomon.

-The greatest warrior was Gideon. With gods help he defeated 135,000 Midianites.

-The acclaimed King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 mistresses or concubines as they were called back then.

-The tallest man in the bible was Goliath who was massive at 9 and a half feet tall!

-There were 12 tribes in Israel and 12 disciples of God.

-If you notice the number 40 is used continually in the Bible to hasten in something new. Examples:
rained lasted 40 days
Jesus fasted for 40 days

-a raven was the first animal to emerge from the ark.

-the number 7 comes up many times in the scriptures.

-The words,”Don’t Be Afraid” appear 365 times in the Bible the same amount of days in the year. Now that one is proliphic!

There are also some interesting facts about angels. The angels were truly a part of Gods plan for the world and helped him with his crusade. Here are some facts:

-the bible reveals what they looked like

-it is explained why they were so important

-they ministered to those who needed salvation

-angels spread good words, fought in battle, protected Gods children

-angels were used to execute judgements

To continue with fun facts in general:

-The word “Christian” only appears 3 times in the Bible.

-The covering on the tabernacle was made out of ram skins and sea cow hides!

-Amazingly there are seven suicides recorded in the Bible. It is very strange to think anyone would want to die?

-The word “Trinity” is never mentioned in the Bible.

-A chariot would cost the equivalent today of 77,000 dollars.

We all know about the plagues of Egypt but how many of us could list them. Well here are the facts:

1.water turn to blood


3.lice and fleas

4.diseased cows


6.boils and sores




10.death of firstborns

Okay, so that was bad enough but then there were the 7 last plagues which are:


2.Sea turns to blood

3.People were burned by the sun


5.River Euphrates dries up


During the 6th Century was most customary to say, “God Bless You” and congratulate people who sneezed. It was thought they were expelling evil from thier bodies! That is something to think about when we use the term these days.

The very last word used in the bible is “Amen”.

– Caves were used to keep animals cool in the intense heat. It is thought Jesus was born in a cave.

We all know how important the Ark was in saving Noah and his family and animals from the flood but perhaps you did not know some of these fun facts:

-the flood happened about 4,300 year ago

-the family was on the ark for over a year

-the ark was huge and safe

-dinosaurs were on the ark

-god shut the doors of the ark

-they think the ark landed in the middle east

-if you are wondering where the flood water went they ran into the oceans

There are different types of prayers listed in the bible. Here they are:










There is one question that we would all like to know:

Where was Jesus buried when he died? Well the bible says he was laid to rest in a burial shroud in Italy. The first record of this shroud dates back to 1353. It was turned over to church officials in Turin. Modern day scientists can not even tell if it is real. There is no way of knowing who is wrapped up in that tomb. However, there were coins placed over thier eyes and they came from the era of Christ! Could it be the saviour? Will we ever know?

Finally, to finish our bible facts. Did you know that the bible is actually biased towards the right-hand of man. If you think about it, the right hand makes the blessing and the sign of the cross.The bible contains 100 positive statements about the right hand. It was thought that those to the right of Christ would inherit the earth. Those to left would burn in hell! It is thought that the devil floats around a person’s left shoulder. That is why today we throw salt over our left shoulder. It is actually a way to ward off the devil! I think I will start throwing salt over my shoulder!

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Jumat, 24 Juni 2011


             Seorang bapak mengundang salah seorang temannya saat perang dulu untuk makan malam di rumahnya. Saat perang dulu, mereka terlibat pertempuran sengit, dan temannya terkena peluru di wajahnya. Akibatnya, ia mengalami luka parah di hidungnya dan harus dioperasi. Bapak itu berpesan kepada istrinya untuk mewanti-wanti anaknya yang paling kecil agar tidak menyinggung tentang hidung tamunya. Ibu itu pun berkata kepada anaknya, “Nak, apa pun yang terjadi , jangan sekali-kali bertanya tentang hidung teman bapak, ya.” Anaknya mengangguk. Saat makan malam pun tiba. Sepanjang makan malam, si anak tidak mengeluarkan sepatah kata pun. Ia terus mengamati wajah sang tamu. Akhirnya, setelah beberapa saat terdiam, ia berkata, “Bu, mengapa sih ibu melarang saya bertanya tentang hidung Om? Kan Om enggak punya hidung.”

Aturan tanpa disertai penjelasan tentang alasan dan latar belakangnya, bisa membawa ‘celaka’ .

Belajar Percaya

“Kita tahu sekarang, bahwa Allah turut bekerja segala sesuatu. . .” (Roma 8:28)

              Burung rajawali punya cara unik dalam mendidik anak-anaknya. Ketika anak-anaknya beranjak besar, sang induk mulai mematuk-matuk supaya belajar mandiri. Tetapi anak-anak rajawali ini tidak mau pergi, karena merasa nyaman dengan sarangnya. Selanjutnya sang induk mulai membuang ranting dan daun-daun kering dari sarang tsb., tinggallah ranting-ranting berduri. Ia mulai mematuk lagi dengan keras, sehingga anak-anak rajawali itu keluar dari sarang dan terbang. . . Uppss. . . rajawali kecil itu jatuh. Secepat kilat sang induk mengejar dan menangkapnya. Kini mengertilah ia mengapa induknya berbuat demikian.
               Maria, Marta dan Lazarus selalu merasa nyaman saat Tuhan Yesus tinggal dalam rumah mereka. Sampai pada suatu saat Tuhan Yesus pergi ke daerah lain untuk melayani orang-orang yang membutuhkan pelayanan-Nya. Saat itulah Lazarus jatuh sakit. Lalu dikirimnya seorang pesuruh mencari Tuhan Yesus dan menyampaikan pesan bahwa Lazarus sedang sakit. Tetapi jawaban Tuhan Yesus: “Penyakit itu tidak mendatangkan kemuliaan Allah.” Dua hari setelah Tuhan Yesus menerima surat dari keluarga Maria, Tuhan Yesus mendengar bahwa Lazarus telah mati. Apa yang dikatakan Tuhan Yesus? “Lazarus tidak mati tetapi tidur. . .” Perkataan ini tentunya membuat bingung para murid, sehingga Tuhan Yesus melanjutkan perkataanNya: “Lazarus mati. . . tetapi syukur aku tidak bersama dengan mereka, supaya kamu belajar percaya.“ Diakhir cerita, Tuhan Yesus mengadakan mujizat yang spektakuler, Lazarus dibangkitkan dari kubur.
               Sobat, FirTu hari ini mengajar kamu untuk menaruh percaya penuh kepada Allah. Jangan takut dengan yang namanya kesusahan. Percayakan bahwa mujizat pada dua ribu tahun lalu juga berlaku bagimu sampai hari ini. Dalam mengikuti Tuhan Yesus, tidak selamanya segala sesuatunya akan berjalan dengan aman! Tetapi pada saat-saat tertentu kita diperhadapkan dengan kesulitan hidup. Mengapa? Untuk menguji iman kita apakah kita tetap percaya bahwa Tuhan Yesus berkuasa untuk memberikan jalan keluar. Mulailah melangkah dengan menaruh percaya penuh kepada kuasa Yesus.

Album Kenang-kenangan SPPR Agape Saat Mengikuti Gebyar Paskah Tahun 2010

Perayaan Paskah SPPR Agape Tahun 2010 yang lalu dilewatkan dengan mengikuti acara Gebyar Lilin Paskah. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang diikuti antara lain: lomba mading, lomba parodi, jalan sehat dan KKR, yang kesemuanya bertemakan paskah. Dalam ajang tersebut, SPPR Agape berhasil merebut juara, yaitu juara I untuk parodi paskah serta juara II untuk lomba mading 3 dimensi. Berikut foto-fotonya:

SPPR AGAPE dalam PORSENI Tahun 2010

Berikut ini adalah foto kenang-kenangan pada saat SPPR Agape mengikuti PORSENI tahun 2010 di Aula Sangkuwung, Palangkaraya:

Persiapan SPPR Agape Mengikuti Lomba Paduan Suara PORSENI III

Lomba paduan suara Pekan Olahraga dan Seni Pemuda Gereja III dilaksanakan pada hari Senin, 20 Juni 2011 pukul 18.30 WIB di gedung Gereja Efrata. Untuk itu, SPPR GKE Agape mempersiapkan diri mengikuti ajang tersebut dengan mengadakan latihan selama beberapa minggu. Kelompok paduan suara Agape menjalani berbagai bentuk latihan, mulai dari pemanasan vokal hingga latihan dengan diiringi musik.
Beberapa foto berikut diambil pada saat latihan dan juga persiapan sebelum tampil.

serius latihan

ada anggota lain...

semuanya pemanasan vokal dulu sebelum mulai nyanyi...
biarpun anggota laki-laki minoritas, tapi suaranya tetap berpower : )

siap-siap...ambil suara...

serius latihan....

biarpun masih agak berantakan karena pembuatan mading, latihan tetap fokus.
 Menit-menit sebelum tampil....

sudah pada dandan...duduk manis, sambil tunggu teman-temn lain...

ngobrol dulu, biar tenang....


pijet-pijet kaka dulu ya de...biar rileks...